Between the gatherings, the shopping, and the fun, the last thing you want to do is let a dental emergency interrupt your holiday cheer. Unfortunately, all the sugary snacks that this time of year has to offer can make it harder to protect your smile. If you want to keep your pearly whites safe during the festivities, try following these 4 tips from a dentist in Irving.
1. Don’t Bite Down on Anything Hard
Whether you’re chewing on a candy cane or accidentally crunching an unpopped popcorn kernel, biting down on anything that’s harder than your teeth could lead to cracks and fractures. Be very careful around especially hard foods, and try to avoid them if possible.
There are also plenty of hard objects that you might bite down on without thinking, such as pen tips or fingernails; you may even use your teeth to open a particularly stubborn package. Avoid these habits at all costs if you want to keep your teeth safe.
2. Don’t Let Too Much Sugar Accumulate in Your Mouth
Oral bacteria feed on sugar and as a result create acids that can create cavities and damage your gum tissues. Sticky holiday treats can be especially troublesome because the sugar they contain stays on your teeth for a long time.
In general, you should make the extra effort to limit the amount of sugar in your mouth at any given time. Try not to snack on holiday candies and treats throughout the day; save them for mealtime when there’s more saliva in your mouth to wash away the sugar and bacteria.
3. Get Plenty of Water During the Day
It’s important to stay hydrated when you have a busy schedule, but did you know that extra glass of water could be good for your smile as well? The liquid will bathe your teeth and help remove the leftover food particles that contribute to tooth decay. It can also help you curb any cravings you might have during the day, which can make it easier to resist indulging in seasonal sweets.
4. Make Time for Good Oral Hygiene
Naturally, you should always make time for brushing and flossing – even if you’re going to bed late after a holiday party. Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush, and stay away from abrasive toothpastes; you don’t want to be too rough with your teeth, or you might end up damaging them by accident.
If you’ve followed these tips but are still worried about the state of your teeth during the holidays, make time to visit your dentist; they can perform a thorough professional cleaning and give you some additional advice for avoiding dental emergencies. Make sure your pearly whites stay safe so that you’re ready to greet the New Year with a smile!
About 21st Century Dental & Sleep Center
Here at 21st Century Dental & Sleep Center, our four dentists always go above and beyond in providing patients with high-quality care. Our office is open 6 days a week; if you have a dental emergency, we’ll make every effort to see you on the same day to help you get out of your dental pain. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call (972) 255-3712.